Style Blog

I really liked my outfit today. The dress was purchased for $25 at the Sussex County Farm and Horse Show (NJ State Fair). The shirt was purchased from Dollar General. My shoes are 3 years old, from LL Bean. What would you call this style? I call it Hiker Style.

Thanksgiving style

For Thanksgiving, I dressed as a princess. My entire outfit was thrifted / given as a gift. I felt beautiful and comfortable all day.

Pocono Indian Museum Trip

George and I went to the Pocono Indian Museum. This is what I wore and what I bought. My outfit was made of pieces collected in a 40-mile radius. I really l loved wearing this outfit. It was comfortable and I got a lot of compliments!!

First Frost

I did like I said and started the process of waterproofing our tent. Things have been busy with a lot of rain here- I’ve been collecting rainwater to wash my hair and yeah, I will include pictures. I am behind on the last two weeks, so here are the photos I took during this time.… Continue reading First Frost

New Art Up!

This photo I took featuring a live, nude person will stay up until it is sold or it becomes weathered. We wanted to hang up more art but our funds are low. We are looking for a donation of thumb tacks and finishing nails. This show is available by appointment only. [email protected]

Yellow and Blue

I was folding some laundry and decided to take a few mirror pics. I love my faded hoodie but at some angles the color just don’t look right. I am very warm and comfortable on this rainy day – for shoes I wore wigwam socks with sandals.